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The upstream industry in Ghana makes use of various chemicals which are highly inflammable and corrosive that can cause of risk and damages to human lives and properties. Therefore the use of these chemicals and explosives in the upstream industry needs a highly supervised authority to manage the operations of chemical use in the sector. Applications for permits to import, transport, and store or use explosives for upstream activities are managed through the Petroleum Commission, Ghana to the Ministry Of Interior (MoI) as part of the regulatory and monitoring role of the commission.
Guidelines to acquire explosives permit in the oil and gas industry permit to import
There are six procedures and steps needed to regulate the importation, storage and use of explosives in the country’s upstream oil and gas sector. These are:
Permit to take Delivery
Operator applies for a permit to take delivery of the imported explosives. This import allows the operator to take delivery of the explosives, transport and store same.
Required Documents:
In conclusion, the use of explosive chemicals in the upstream industry especially when the upstream sector deals directly with flammable substances needs much safety tips and precaution to handle such substances to prevent casualties in the oil and gas industry of Ghana.
By David Aduhene Tanoh-www,reportingoilandgas.com