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Invitation For Tenders for Procurement of Non-Consultant Services
Selection of Records Management Service Provider
The Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited (BOST) intends to apply a portion of its Internally Generated Funds for payment under the Contract for the provision of Records Management Services to BOST.
Objective of the service
The objective of this project is to provide a highly professional solution to the management of BOST records, taking into consideration value for money without compromising on the safety, accessibility and security of BOST records.
Summary Scope of Service
BOST now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Records Management Service providers to provide the Non-Consultant Services shown above. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering procedures specified in the Ghana Public Procurement Act 663 of 2003 and Amendment Act 914 of 2016 of the Republic of Ghana.
More details on the requirement are provided in the Scope of Service and draft contract. Soft copies of the Tender Document an be obtained free of charge by submitting a request to the email address below:
fabu@bost.com.gh and cassasie-gyimah@bost.com.gh, and mmoro@bost.com.gh
A Tenderer needing clarification of any of the details herein, should send an email to fabu@bost.com.gh and casssie-gyimah@bost.com.gh, and mmoro@bost.com.gh no later than March 20, 2018; 5 p.m. local time. Response to request for clarification will be sent to all Tenders by March 23, 2018.
Tenderers must present Technical and Financial Offers in separate sealed envelopes. Tenderers must submit the following documents with their Tender:
Tenders must be deposited into the tender box located at the Reception at the address below at or before 00 hours Local Time on March 30, 2018.
Tenders which will be opened in public immediately after the deadline for submission at the address shown below
Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited
Plot No. 12 First Dzorwulu Crescent,
West Airport Residential Area,
Accra, Ghana.
Late submissions shall be rejected
BOST is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract/purchase order, nor be responsible for any cost associated with your preparation and submission of the Tender regardless of the outcome of the selection process.
BOST reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation, to tender any or all quotations as non-responsive and to annul the solicitation process and reject all quotations at any time prior to award of contract without incurring any liability to the affected vendor or any obligation to inform the affected vendor of the ground for BOST’s action
Address for Tender Submission and Opening
The Managing Director,
Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited,
Plot No. 12 First Dzorwulu Crescent,
West Airport Residential Area,
Accra, Ghana.