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Meeting discusses challenges of women in mining

  • SOURCE: | qwesa2big
  • Mining 2


    Women in the mining sector from Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Ghana and Senegal have met in Accra to discuss issues affecting women in mining.

    Hosted by the Australian High Commission, the event, attended by women in the mining business and government officials, was held to complement the ECOWAS Mining and Petroleum Forum and Exhibition (ECOMOF) held in Accra recently.

    The event was aimed at strengthening networks and connections of women involved in the mining sector and raise awareness of the crucial role of women in the sector, as well as the issues and barriers hampering their efforts to achieve greater inclusiveness in the industry.

    The Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls, Ms Natasha Stott Despoja, in a statement, noted that globally, leaders had made commitments to gender equality through the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals at the UN and added that the economic case for women’s participation was undeniable.

    Reduced productivity

    She said women’s absence from the mining sector meant a reduced productivity and competitiveness which lowered profits.

    The Women In Mining Coordinator, Ms Georgette Barnes, who moderated the discussion, said young women needed to be encouraged to pursue technical and engineering subjects at the higher level of education and added that employers should also provide opportunities for women.

    “The majority of artisanal gold miners are women, and they should take the next step to take out concessions and become entrepreneurs themselves”, she said.

    She said Ghana’s development of a mining vision provided a unique opportunity for women’s voices to be heard and incorporated into the policy and action document. She called on the Minerals Commission to establish a Women’s Desk to enhance information flow to women involved in the sector


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