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Documents are now available which reports how Ghana’s legal team and that of its neighbour, Cote’ d’Ivoire argued at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea,Hamburg in Germany.
The Tribunal held a public sitting on Sunday,29 March 2015, at 10a.m. It was presided over by President of the Special Chamber, Judge Boualem Bouguetaia.
The Court has given a ruling on an injunction which favours Ghana request to continue with its work at the disputed TEN oil fields. The field which has 10 wells is operated by British oil company, Tullow.
No new exploration can be pursued the court has ruled.
Myjoyonline.com presents the oral arguments presented by Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire.
Read Cote d’Ivoire’s argument here part 1 and part 2
Read Ghana’s argument here and part 2
Source: http://www.myjoyonline.com/business/2015/April-27th/maritime-boundary-dispute-read-verbatim-ghana-vs-cote-divoires-argument.php#sthash.iVvKhWLX.dpuf