Special topics
How do we make the most of oil, gas, and minerals while mitigating the risks that these industries pose?
Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: The Fundamentals of Oil, Gas, and Mining Governance, is a joint course organized by the Natural Resource Governance Institute, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment and the World Bank.
This high-quality, mass online training course seeks to give participants an understanding of the key challenges and opportunities that come with managing extractive industry investments for sustainable development. The course outlines the various complex and interrelated aspects of natural resource governance including: understanding the governance and industry fundamentals, developing and implementing robust and transparent legal frameworks; designing fiscal regimes to capture fair share of the revenues, managing environmental risks, engaging with communities; leveraging investments for infrastructure and business linkages, managing revenues for economic diversification and development, among others.
This free 14-week course will have video transcripts in English, Spanish, French, Russian and Arabic. The course commences on February 5, 2018 and ends on May 13,2018.
Resource persons include: Mohammed Amin Adam- Deputy Minister of Energy, [Ghana], Lisa Sachs- Director, [Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment], Patrick Heller- Advisor, [Natural Resource Governance Institute], Jeffrey Sachs- University Professor, [Columbia University] & Director, [Sustainable Development Solutions Network], Paul Collier- Professor of Economics and Public Policy, [Blavatnik School of Government,Oxford University], Daniel Kaufmann-President & CEO, [Natural Resource Governance Institute], Mark Moody-Stuart- Chairman for Hermes Equity Ownership Services, Håvard Halland- Economist, World Bank among many leading experts in natural resource governance.
to read more and enroll.