Under clause four of the Agreement, Ghana was to provide an acceptable site for the installation and operation of the equipment.
According to Dr Donkor with the exception of Engineers & Planners, no other contractor was prepared to accept to do the work without the payment of mobilization.
Asked who those other contractors were, the Minister said he could not readily recall and give answers at the meeting and that he would have to cross-check and get back to the group.
“VRA at the appropriate time can tell, because we assigned that to them, that they should get contractors. It came up that a number of them [contractors] were asking for mobilization which is the norm in the construction industry, we didn’t have money to pay for mobilization as quickly as they would wanted. And they said they [VRA] have been able to speak to Engineers & Planners who reluctantly have accepted that in lieu of the national situation, they would do on condition that we promise to pay when their certificates are raised expeditiously.”
Source : http://graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/55018-engineers-planners-got-ameri-contract-on-sole-sourcing-donkor.html#sthash.lMh1s543.dpuf