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Amin Adam Gets Two Global Appointments

  • SOURCE: | qwesa2big
  • aminThe Executive Director of the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam has been appointed to two International Advisory Boards – the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP); and the Natural Resources and the Community Review (NRC Review).

    The Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) with Headquarters in Washington D.C. is a collaborative effort among government and non-government actors which works to make open contracting a common practice through its three program areas; promoting global norms and standards; supporting country-level application of open contracting and supporting a community of practice for learning.

    Open contracting refers to norms and practices for increased disclosure and participation in public contracting including tendering, performance and completion.  It includes the variety of contract types, from more basic contracts for the procurement of goods, to complex contracts, joint venture agreements, licenses and production sharing agreements. Open contracting encompasses all public contracting, including contracts funded by combinations of public, private and donor sources.

    The NRC Review on the other hand is an open access quarterly review focused on the community relations and social performance aspects of mining, oil, gas, and renewable energy.  It seeks to serve as a link through which practitioners, researchers, and policy makers can share, communicate, and benefit from each other’s practical experience and research results.

    Through NRC Review, authors from around the world are able to: analyse the causes of social impacts and benefits related to the exploration and production of minerals, metals, oil, gas, and renewable energy; debate policies and programmes; share research findings; reflect the lived experience of the community relations practitioner(s) and the community representative(s) and share case study examples of good practice and recommendations for policy and action.

    Dr. Adam just returned from the US recently where he participated in the Civil Society Forum of the US-Africa Leaders Forum and launched a report on “Three Years of Petroleum Revenue Management in Ghana” with support from Oxfam America.

    Source: The Chronicle

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