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Nafi Chinnery is the Ghana Country Program Manager at the Natural Resource Governance Institute where she leads the Ghana team and coordinates implementation of the Country Programs for enhanced & sustainable impact. Nafi is a social development expert with over 20 years’ experience in development work with one of UK’s biggest charities, Oxfam GB and the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF). As a social justice activist with a long-standing career in transformative leadership, and an advocate for alternative economic development, she has worked with women’s rights organizations, CSOs and individual women activists including marginalized and disabled groups to develop projects and build their leadership capacity to advocate for inclusive decisions that impact positively on the lives of women and girls in Africa.
In the last 10 years, she has invested much of her time, skills and energy working to strengthen and develop credible and well-informed African women’s rights organizations and leaders to accelerate the respect and realization of women’s rights in communities across Africa. In the last two years, Nafi has provided strategic leadership, opportunistic approach and collaborated with several CSOs in the Oil, Gas and Mining Sector to advocate and provide technical support to government to ensure the passage of Ghana’s fiscal responsibility law and transparency in Ghana’s first Open Oil & Gas Bid and Licensing Round. She has also provided pro-bono supports to several women’s rights initiatives including Oxfam GB, Global fund for women and FHi360 (Implementing USAID’s framework for women’s economic empowerment and Equality.