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Mr. Vincent Annan is the CEO of the Sekondi-Takoradi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (STCCI), Ghana. He was formerly with the Community Governance portfolio of the Telford & Wrekin Council and Mark Education all in England between 2002 and 2004.
Currently, he is leading STCCI in the implementation of some key projects including an Occupational Health, Safety & Environment (OHS&E) online Learning project, an annual international conference dubbed “Ghana Extractive Industry Safety Conference (GEISCon) and OHS&E systems implementation support to SMEs in the Western Region of Ghana, the hub of Ghana’s extractive industry. Mr. Annan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Educational Psychology & Management from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA), in Corporate Strategy from the University of Wolverhampton, England.
He also holds a Certificate in Project Management from Learn-direct, UK.
Read more on Mr. Anaan at http://sekonditakoradichamber.org/index.php/about-us/leadership-team